Outside Perspective

The mind belief blueprint for ambitious women to make their big vision a reality


Turn down the noise in your head and turn up going after what you want in life with a plan and a purpose

It's your time.

Time to see how amazing your life could be if you really believed in yourself and what you're capable of


Making change is hard.

Staying the same is even harder.

You crave a way to:

Feel more confident and focussed in how you show up professionally and personally.

Silence the inner critic, your imposter syndrome and strengthen your self belief.

Know you're on the right path and are able to lead yourself.

Today I'm here to introduce you to the most transfomational way to do this:

To understand the power of your mind in order to reprogram it for success.

What if I told you that everything you wanted to achieve could happen the tmuch faster if you used the full power of your mind?

And the extra special secret ingredient to how I can help you?

I combine the Scientific with the Spiritual.

The logical with the Emotional.

The Commercial Savvy with the Joy of Growth and Evolution.

The mind belief blueprint is a unique experience, designed to educate, train and support you to make huge leaps within your life.


The person who doesn't let her thoughts or feelings stop her from taking action.

Take 3 months to learn how to use your mind in the ultimate way

What could change if you went all in?

* A new role

*Recognition and success

*Comments on your confidence

*Your own unrockable certainty and peace of mind in yourself

The thing is no matter how much you know deep down you deserve more, you're never going to achieve it playing by the old rules you've set yourself.

Operating from an old identity - one that keeps you safe and small.

So let's make some new rules.

Let's change things up.

When you understand that you have more control over your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, things start to move.

Your personal growth is accelerated and suddenly life seems to be easier.

The foundation of our time together is the belief cycle.

In order to make lasting changes to how you think about yourself, we have to change your thoughts and feelings. This then impacts everything else. Your actions and outcomes and ultimately your life events.

We're looking to make this work so you start to see positive outcomes and choices.

Within the mind belief blueprint, we're going to magnify your belief cycle

to enable you to get the results, success and recognition you want.

We will use scientific methods to make this happen.

'The best investment I ever made'

'I started working with Phil because I wanted to think about what was next in my career and I didn’t know where to start. She has helped me to do that and so much more. I have a sense of direction and feel excited. Working with Phil has been the best investment I could have made in myself ' LW



3 months of your time to change your future identity

Month 1 - Discover

This is about discovering you. What you want. What your big dreams are and looking at what's the most exciting version of your future.

We look at the neuroscience as well as the power of the brain to start making positive changes in your life.


Future you visualisation and in depth analysis

Action board

Belief exercises and so much more.

Month 2 - Master

We dig deep into what fears are coming up for you around making change. I need to know what's going to stop you achieving the results that you desire.

This will include:

Shadow work to make you really aware of why you haven't made the change you desire.

Energy clearing. This is powerful stuff. Energy is stored in your body and it has to be released in order to operate from a whole different level.

Month 3 - Own

This month is all about cementing the new thoughts and beliefs that you have about yourself with nothing holding you back.

We will also work on a plan to take you forward taking into account things that might hold you back.

This will include:

Time and life audits

Habits and routines

Cementing your new identity to really excel.

Weekly training sessions with q&a, neuroscience backed learnings and more spiritual exercises.

Everything you need to move the needle to change your beliefs.

My support. My coaching. My methods.

Your identity.

All this for the unbelievable early

bird price of £699 until Monday 28th October.

The price will then go up to £999

We start w/c Monday 11th November

This program is perfect for you if....

You feel that the way you're doing things right now is not getting you the results and change you want.

You know that you’re meant for bigger things than what you’re currently doing

You’ve been coasting along in your life and career and you finally want to make things happen.

You're ready to go all in. It's your time!

This program isn't right for you if...

You don’t want to take action now

You want to stay within your comfort zone. Real change only comes when we begin to step forward.

You think that just by joining this exclusive program things will automatically happen - if you don’t do the work between the sessions, then the program won’t work for you.

How often do we meet?

We meet weekly and it will involve training and Q&A. This is spread over 3 months or slightly more if we need the time to ensure that the change will stick.

What happens if I miss a session?

Your commitment to do the work is important but I will catch you up with the trainings if you need this.

How much time should I allow?

As much as you need. I want this to be simple. I don’t want you to create a beast that you can’t manage.  That said, we'll talk through things that will support you with making the changes you desire.

What is energy clearing?

We are all energy. The energy within us never goes away, it just transforms and transmutes. When we know this, we can shift the energy within our body. When we have a negative experience this gets stored within our energy system until it gets cleared. This is the work that we'll do within the energy clearing section of the programme. It will allow you to step into the next version of yourself by clearing what stands in the way for you energetically.

Here’s what you’ll get when you buy/join:


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In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.

Value: $100


Sed nec enim tortor

In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.

Value: $100


Sed nec enim tortor

In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.

Value: $100


Sed nec enim tortor

In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.

Value: $100


Sed nec enim tortor

In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.

Value: $100


Sed nec enim tortor

In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.

Value: $100

Let's make change happen together

for the unbelievable £699

“In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.”

— Quote Source

“In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.”

— Quote Source

“In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.”

— Quote Source

Still on the fence about it?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you buy/enroll/join us and you’re not satisfied here is what we’ll offer you...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et lacus neque. Nulla risus enim, lacinia a elit non, mollis aliquet libero. Nam commodo sapien quis risus sodales posuere. Maecenas facilisis augue sit amet auctor cursus. Vivamus vel lacinia diam.


This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

© Copyright 2024 Outside Perspective